Please confirm student name and add the class you picked into shopping cart and to pay online via PayPal or Credit Card
請確認你的姓名,並把要註冊的課程加入購物車, 然後使用PayPal 或 信用卡付款
1. If you have Paypal account, please click “Paypal Check out”
如果你有 Paypal 賬戶, 請點擊 “Paypal Check out”
2. If you do not have Paypal account, please click “Check out” (Pay without Paypal account) to pay.
如果你沒有 Paypal 賬戶, 請點擊 “Check out” (Pay without Paypal account)” 使用信用卡付款.
3. If you are registering more than one class, please use add to cart” one by one, click “Continue shopping” on Paypal Page to return this page. You can click “View Cart” anytime to review your shopping cart and pay.
如果你註冊了多門課程,請逐一加入購物車, 在 Paypal 頁面上點擊 “Continue Shopping” 返回當前頁面添加更過課程。 可隨時點擊 “View Cart” 查看你的購物車,並付款。

ID |
Class (課程) |
Fee (學费) |
Add to Cart (註冊) |
1 |
Pre-K (學前班)-Sat.12:30–2:20pm |
$245 |
2 |
Pinyin K1 (拼音 K1)-Sat.2:30–4:20pm |
$245 |
3 |
Pinyin K2 (拼音 K2)-Sat.12:30–2:20pm |
$245 |
4 |
Level 1 Simplified Pinyin(拼音一)-Sat. 2:30–4:20pm |
$245 |
5 |
Level 2 Simplified Pinyin(拼音二)-Sat. 2:30–4:20pm |
$245 |
6 |
Level 3 Simplified Pinyin(拼音三)-Sat. 9:30–11:20am |
$245 |
7 |
Level 4 Simplified Pinyin(拼音四)-Sat. 12:30–2:20pm |
$245 |
8 |
Level 5 Simplified Pinyin(拼音五)-Sat. 12:30–2:20pm |
$245 |
9 |
Level 6 Simplified Pinyin(拼音六) -Sat. 12:30–2:20pm |
$245 |
10 |
Level 7 Simplified Pinyin(拼音七) -Sat. 9:30–11:20am |
$245 |
11 |
Level 8 Simplified Pinyin(簡拼八)-Sat. 12:30–2:20pm |
$245 |
12 |
Level 10 Traditional Pinyin(繁拚十)-Sat.12:30–2:20pm |
$245 |
13 |
Level 12 Phonetics(初中華文)-Sat.9:30–11:20am |
$245 |
14 |
Calligraphy(書法)-Sat.11:30-12:20pm |
$130 |
15 |
Piano Lesson-T(鋼琴課-T)-Sat.2:30-4:30pm |
$515 |
16 |
Piano Lesson-T(鋼琴課-T)-Sat.2:30-4:30pm (For Chinese school student) |
$450 |
17 |
Piano Lesson-2T(鋼琴課-2T)-Sat.2:30-4:30pm |
$995 |
18 |
Piano Lesson-2T (鋼琴課-2T)-Sat.2:30-4:30pm (For Chinese school student) |
$900 |
To pay in person by credit, cash or check, please come to the Chinese Community Center to do so.
CCC Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
CCC Address:
9800 Town Park
Houston, Texas 77036
如果您想以信用卡, 現金, 或支票親自付款, 請來本校.
本校開關時間: 週一至週五, 上午九點至下午五點
9800 Town Park
Houston, Texas 77036
If you experience any issues, please email and we will update ASAP.
Thank you for your patience as we work to improve our registration process to better serve you.