All Classes 課程設置
Our Classes
See the list below for our available courses.
Note: The fee includes tuition, registration, material fees, and a service deposit, if applicable.
備註: 根據課程不同,總費包含了可能的學費, 註冊費,材料費和押金
Youth Chinese Class 青少年中文課 (1/4/2025- 5/10/2025)
Class_ID | Class_Name | 課程 | Schedule(時間) | Fee(费用) |
251PK0SPT0 | Pre-K | 學前 | Sat.12:30–2:20pm | $225 |
251PYK1SPT0 | K1 Pinyin | 拼音 K1 | Sat.2:30–4:20pm | $225 |
251PYK2SPT0 | K2 Pinyin | 拼音 K2 | Sat.2:30–4:20pm | $225 |
251SP1SPT0 | Level 1 Simplified Pinyin | 拼音一 | Sat. 2:30–4:20pm | $225 |
251SP2SPT0 | Level 2 Simplified Pinyin | 拼音二 | Sat. 2:30–4:20pm | $225 |
251SP3SAT0 | Level 3 Simplified Pinyin | 拼音三 | Sat. 9:30–11:20am | $225 |
241SP4SPT0 | Level 4 Simplified Pinyin | 拼音四 | Sat. 12:30–2:20pm | $225 |
251SP5SPT0 | Level 5 Simplified Pinyin | 拼音五 | Sat. 12:30–2:20pm | $225 |
251SP6SAT0 | Level 6 Simplified Pinyin | 拼音六 | Sat. 12:30–12:20pm | $225 |
251SP7SAT0 | Level 7 Simplified Pinyin | 拼音七 | Sat. 9:30–11:20am | $225 |
251SP8SPT0 | Level 8 Simplified Pinyin | 拼音八 | Sat. 12:30–2:20pm | $225 |
251FP10SPT0 | Level 10 Traditional Pinyin | 繁拼十 | Sat.12:30–2:20pm | $225 |
241HY2SAT0 | Traditional Phonetics | 初中華文 2 | Sat.9:30–11:20am | $225 |
Youth & Adult Piano Class 鋼琴課程 | 1/11/2025 – 5/3/2025 (15 Weeks)
Class_ID | Class_Name | 課程 | Schedule(時間) | Fee(費用) |
251PA0S0T1 | Piano Lesson-T (one-on-one; 25 minutes) | 鋼琴課-T | Sat. 1:00-4:30pm | $515 (Chinese School Student $450) |
251PA0S0T2 | Piano Lesson-2T (one-on-one; 50 minutes) | 鋼琴課-2T | Sat. 1:00-4:30pm | $995 (Chinese School Student $900) |
Youth & Adult | Culture + Leisure Program 文化+才藝課程
1/25/2025 – 4/26/2025 (12 Weeks)
Class_ID | Class_Name | 課程 | Schedule(時間) | Fee (學費) |
251CG0SAT0 | Calligraphy | 書法 | Sat. 11:30-12:20pm | $130 |
Adult Chinese Class 成人中文課 | 1/4/2025 – 5/10/2025
Class_ID | Class_Name | 課程 | Schedule(時間) | Fee(學費) |
251AB0SPT0 | Adult Beginner-0 | 成人初級中文-0 | Sat. 12:30-2:20pm | $300 |
251AB1SAT0 | Adult Beginner-1 | 成人初級中文-1 | Sat. 9:30-11:20am | $300 |
251AB2SPT0 | Adult Beginner-2 | 成人初級中文-2 | Sat. 12:30-2:20pm | $300 |
251AI0SAT0 | Adult Intermediate | 成人中級中文 | Sat. 9:30-11:20am | $300 |
Adult Culture + Leisure Program 文化+才藝課程
1/4/2025 – 5/10/2025
Class_ID | Class_Name | 課程 | Schedule(時間) | Fee (學費) |
251ZM0SPT0 | Zumba | 有氧舞蹈 | Sat. 2:00-3:00pm | $75 |
Registration 註冊
Click this red button to register for the class.
Registration Details 註冊信息(PDF)
2025 Spring Semester 春季學期
1/4/2025 – 5/10/2025
Registration Opens 註冊日期
11/18/2024 | 2024年11月18日開始
Holiday 假期
- 2/1/2025 | Chinese New Year 中國新年
- 3/15/2025 | Spring Break 春假
Tuition 學雜費用
Youth Chinese Class 兒童青少年中文: $200
Adult Chinese Class 成人中文: $285
Calligraphy Class (12 Weeks) 書法課: $115
Zumba 有氧舞蹈:$60
Piano 鋼琴課:Refer to Class Schedule 請參考課程表
Registration Fee 註冊費: $15/Class
PTO Event Fee (Youth Chinese Class Only) 家長會活動費 (僅限青少年中文班): $10
Youth Class Material Fee 青少年课程教材費: $20 (New student only 限新生)
Private One-On-One Tutoring 一對一 個人中文課: 5 Hours – $220 OR 10 Hours – $400 OR 15 Hours – $600
Registration Procedure & Requirements 註冊手續
- Interested students must complete an application form and submit tuition payment. Once payment is received, the Chinese School will review the application for enrollment.
- For the Pre-K class, students must be at least 4 ½ years old. For the Pinyin class, students must be 5 years or older.
- All classes require a minimum of 6 students, except for the piano class
- 請使用 詳填註冊表格,以網路報名繳付學雜費。
- 中文學前班學生須滿4歲半,拼音班學生須滿五歲
- 除鋼琴班外,所有班級至少需要 6 名學生才能開班
Refund Policy 退費規定
- The $15 administrative fee, along with deductions for each class attended, is non-refundable.
- No refunds will be issued after 1/20/2025.
- Students must complete the “Class Drop or Change Application” form to change or withdraw from a class.
- 凡已註冊而在開學之前申請退費者,一律扣除手續費 $15元,每上課一週加扣上課費用。
- 2025年1月20日以後,恕不退費。
- 凡申請退費及轉班者,請填寫“課程加退選表”。
About Us (關於我們)
For over 40 years, CCC Chinese School has offered standards-based Chinese language and culture learning programs. Today, several hundred youth and adult students are enrolled in our language, cultural, and extracurricular classes.
The school offers a curriculum for Adult students at the Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced levels. Additionally, we provide a Cross-Cultural Chinese Language Program tailored to corporations, which can be held at client facilities or at the Center. Program content can be customized to meet the specific business needs of each client, and short-term tutoring services are also available.
Over the past 40 years, more than 1,000 Chinese School students who have been enrolled for 10 or more years in the language program have become bilingual. The language competencies they have earned give them a significant competitive edge in the global market.
Beyond classroom learning, K-AP students also have the opportunity to participate in organizational skill and leadership training activities, such as the Chinese Youth Society, Junior Achievement, and other academic and special events.
Welcome / 歡迎 !
Contact Us /聯繫我們
For more information, to register,please contact
or (713) 271-6100 Ext. 160.