Class 課程
Our Classes
See the list below for our available courses.
Note: Fee includes Tuition, Registration, material fee and service deposit if applicable
備註: 根據課程不同,總費包含了可能的學費, 註冊費,材料費和押金
Adult Chinese Class 成人中文課 (6/7/2025-7/26/2025,8 Weeks)
Class ID | Class Name 課程 | Schedule 時間 | Fee 費 |
252AB0SAT0 | Adult Beginner-0 成人初級中文-0 | Sat. 9:30–11:20am | $165 |
252AB1SAT0 | Adult Beginner-1 成人初級中文-1 | Sat. 9:30–11:20am | $165 |
Youth Chinese Class 青少年中文課 (6/7/2025 – 7/26/2025, 8 Weeks)
Class ID | Class Name 課程 | Schedule 時間 | Fee 費 |
252YPSAT0 | Youth Chinese Pinyin Class (青少年暑期中文入門拼音班) | Sat. 9:30–11:20am | $115 |
252YAPSAT0 | Youth Upper Level Language, Culture & AP (青少年語言文化AP班) | Sat. 9:30–11:20am | $115 |
Culture/Leisure Class 文化/才藝課程 (6/7/2025 – 7/26/2025, 8 Weeks)
Class ID | Class Name 課程 | Schedule 時間 | Fee 費 |
252PA0S0T2 | Piano lessons 鋼琴 (one-on-one; 50 minutes) | Sat. 9:30am-5:00pm | $575, (Chinese School student tuition (同時註冊了中文課的學生): $495) |
252PA0S0T1 | Piano lessons 鋼琴 (one-on-one; 25 minutes) | Sat. 9:30-12:00pm | $295, (Chinese School student tuition(同時註冊了中文課的學生): $255) |
252ZM0SPT0 | Zumba for adult 成人有氧舞蹈班 | Sat. 2:00-3:00pm (6/7/2025-8/9/2025, 10 Weeks) | $55 |
Registration 註冊
Click this red button to register for the class.
Registration Details 註冊信息(PDF)
2025 Summer Semester 暑期
6/7/2025 – 7/26/2025
Registration Opens 註冊日期
3/22/2025 | 2025年3月22日開始
Tuition 學雜費用
Youth Chinese Class 兒童入門課: $115
Youth Upper Level class 青少年語言文化AP班: $115
Adult Chinese Class 成人中文: $165
Zumba 有氧舞蹈:$55
Piano 鋼琴課:Refer to Class Schedule 請參考課程表
Refund Policy 退費規定
- The $15 administrative fee plus deduction for each class attended is not refundable.
- No refund after 6/22/2025
- Students are required to fill out “Class drop or Change Application ” form to change or withdraw from a class.
- 凡已註冊而在開學之前申請退費者,一律扣除手續費 $15元,每上課一週加扣上課費用。
- 2025年6月22日以後,恕不退費。
- 凡申請退費及轉班者,請填寫“課程加退選表”。
To pay in person by credit, cash or check, please come to the Chinese Community Center to do so.
Hours: Monday to Friday, 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Address: 9800 Town Park, Houston, Texas 77036
如果您想以信用卡, 現金, 或支票親自付款, 請來本校.
本校開關時間: 週一至週五, 上午九點至下午五點
本校地址: 9800 Town Park, Houston, Texas 77036
If you experience any issues, please email and we will update as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience as we work to improve our registration process to better serve you.
About Us 關於我們
For more than 40 years, CCC Chinese School offers standard based Chinese language and Culture learning programs. Now, several hundred youth and adult students are enrolled in the language, cultural, and extracurricular classes. Offering Beginner, Intermediate, and Advanced curriculum to Adult students, the school also provides a Cross-Cultural Chinese Language Program to corporations at client facilities or at the Center. Program content can be customized to meet the client corporation’s business requirements. Short term tutoring service is available as well.
More than 1,000 Chinese School students who enrolled 10 or more years in the language program have become bilingual. Their earned language competencies substantially place them at the competitive edge in the global market. In addition to classroom learning, K-AP students are given the opportunity to participate in organizational skill and leadership training activities, such as Chinese Youth Society, Junior Achievement and other various academic and special events.
Contact Us /聯繫我們
For more information, to register,please contact
or (713) 271-6100 Ext. 160.